on April, 20 is Easter!![]() Light dominical Sunday - celebration of Easter is so named for the Orthodox christians. It is a major holiday in the annual loop of every believer, and already a long ago became a favourite, folk holiday that is everywhere marked. A fact of Sunday of Jesus Christ is fundamental principle of christian dogma. The well-proven historical fact are life and cross death of Jesus from Galilei. Exactly in the Jewish holiday of Easter in Friday, he was convict on death and crucified on a calvary, and then hastily buried in a near-by cave. But when women that love him through a day came to do necessary honours to his body, they did not find him. A cave was empty, remained only shroud there was the wrapped body ("shroud" of Christ) in that. Sunday of Christ was well-proven by the numerous phenomena him in further 40 days to the students and simple people. The early followers of christianity marked passionate Friday and Sunday every week, why, presumably, in Russian seventh day week got the name of Sunday and is non-working. Afterwards celebration of Easter became annual and tied to the sunnily-monthly calendar. Before Easter it is accepted to do the general cleaning up in a house, to wash windows, hang clean brise-bises. Preparation it follows to make off to Passion Friday. Baking of пасок and painting of eggs it is also tried to make off to Friday. Easter divine Service begins in Large Saturday at 23 o'clock, and in midnight cross motion that passes to the Easter orthros and Liturgy comes true. Believers bring with itself baking and painted eggs for sanctifying. People, meeting, talk: "Hrystos Voskres" - "In truth Rosened" and kiss triply. It is accepted to give near the Easter eggs in the good-looking packing with inscription of HV ("Hrystos Voskres"). A post closes from this day, and believers after service in a church hurry to the festive table to "break" fast. The Easter table is covered with the obligatory presence of пасок, varicoloured eggs, cheese pie. Taken an off embargo on meat and sucklings dishes, and hostesses try to make happy domestic delicious foods. The first is always eat the painted egg, thus both to put and adults by the Easter eggs - break up from butt ends a shell in each other. A holiday lasts one not day, but all next week to Sunday that got the folk name "Red Hill". On this day it is accepted to play wedding, arrange asking in marriage and other triumphs forbidden during a post. The collective of company "Triumph Sport" with all heart congratulates All on this large christian holiday! Let the bewitching and light atmosphere of Easter bring the world to Your families, warm, comfort and, certainly, love! |