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Production of medals to the Day of honoring veterans of Afghanistan

   We offer our services to the consumer for the sale of medals and the production of statuettes, which are widely used as a sports prizes, as well as thematic commemorative awards and souvenirs. Our team rushes to congratulate on the coming festive day veterans who are a part of the Soviet Union troops were directly involved in the resolution of violent armed conflict that took place on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

SК-6   Day honoring the military who participated in the bloody fighting on the territory of foreign lands, was introduced in the calendar of public holidays presidential decree Kuchma on 11 February 2004. Document decides to be a tribute to the military, who performed their military duty outside the borders of their country, every year on February 15. This date corresponds with the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan in 1989, so that day to congratulate veterans of the Afghan war.

   As a commemorative medal award perfectly suited to our manufacturing facility specialists are made by casting techniques, etching and stamping. Veterans can also present souvenir themed figurines as a sign of respect and honor. Order the production of medals or go on sale figurines you can our managers.