Manufacturing awardsGRAWERTON / CRYSTAL PRIZES / Awards
Manufacturing awards GRAWERTON designed specifically for the production of branded products on the metal, such as diplomas, certificates, plaques on the doors and stuff. This technology GRAWERTON on the metal. To carry out production awards with GRAWERTON on the metal should have - graphics workstations, a color laser printer, heat press and cutter for metal, complete with special sublimation ink cartridges toner. Full-color image is printed first on plain paper in one pass. Further, manufacturing of awards involves printing on a special plate of anodized aluminum. Toner penetrates into the metal under high pressure and temperature, and eventually we get a rich, bright, sharp and rather stable image. It is necessary to explain what was meant quite stable.
However it is worth mentioning the difficulties encountered in making awards in this way. This technical imperfection of a color printer, difficulty in choosing colors, easy prepress work with the product and highly accurate processing after printing - all this complicates and increases the demands on staff. However, as a result of making awards under this technology creates a unique signature product at an affordable price. This all makes the technique GRAWERTON on metal suitable solution for the graphics business purposes. Let's take a closer look at the making of awards with the use of sublimation on metal. This is a fairly new technology of a color image on metal. The main advantages of this method are the high image quality and speed of manufacture. Various office plaques, badges, greeting cards and award certificates, and other branded products can be produced right on the day of order. Manufacturing awards in this way gives us the picture is fairly stable for indoor use. This is the best option for those who want fast and at the same time produce high quality awards, gifts, diplomas, certificates, information boards for the office.