Yablochniy Spas

August 19 all celebrate Yabluchniy Spas. This feast, calendar whose name Transfiguration, which is set after the transfiguration of Christ the Savior and appearing before his students.
It was the day for the ancient custom reconcile apples, pears, honey, rye and wheat ears.
It is believed that the Saviour is the onset of autumn and the night after the holidays are cooler. Therefore, the people say: "It Spas - keep gloves in store."
Of Transfiguration associated with many rituals, one of which is the ratio of "Spasovo beard" - when the last ears after dozhinki gathered together, tied a red ribbon and decorated with flowers.
Holiday - it is always the magic that surrounds us even to this day.
The company "Triumph sports" warmly congratulates all of the holiday! Wishes good mood and productive week!
Sincerely company "Triumph sports".