30 годовщина Чернобыльской катастрофы

Among all the tragedies that mankind has survived, the Chernobyl disaster is unparalleled in scale man-made pollution of the environmental sphere, the negative impact on health, the psyche of people, their social, economic and living conditions. The dramatic nature of the Chernobyl disaster defies measurement. Nuclear strike tested all new territory, the danger of radiation poisoning threatened the masses of people, all living things. The tragedy of Chernobyl has stirred up the world, gave rise to a wave of compassion, the desire of millions of people to help overcome common trouble.
Built in 1976, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, was located 100 kilometers north of Kiev; She had four reactors, each of which was capable of producing up to thousands of megawatts of electricity.
In the evening, April 25, 1986 a group of engineers began to carry on the 4th reactor completely unprepared technical experiment, in which the power of the reactor was reduced, and the control unit have been disconnected. reactor became unstable and nekontrolvanoyu, but an attempt to restore normal operation mode - delayed, and 26 April 1986 at the fourth reactor, two explosions. Power explosion was so big that it was destroyed by the steel and lead cladding of the reactor, and in the air has risen more than 60 tons of radioactive materials.
Only three weeks later with the help of 4 million tons of sand, boron, lead and clay managed to isolate the reactor continues to emit radiation, and prevent further contamination of the soil. On the territory within a radius of 30 kilometers more than 100 000 people were evacuated from the scene of the accident. In connection with the traditional in the Soviet secrecy, hidden from the public information about the true extent katastofa and in the most affected areas of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia in the early days did not carry out any measures to protect the population from radiation after the accident.
To prevent further releases of radioactive materials to the end of 1986 the fourth reactor nuclear power plant was laid special "sarcophagus" built by hands of hundreds of thousands of volunteers and mobilized soldiers and Chernobyl nuclear power plant has been re-commissioned. However, large fire and accident in 1991 and in 1996 slowed the first second, and then the first reactor. In 2000 he was stopped last third reactor, and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant completely stopped its work.
If not for the heroic and organized the work of many volunteers, the scale of the disaster would have been exorbitant. The Verkhovna Rada decided to supplement Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On State Awards of Ukraine" with the following paragraph: "For participation in liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl disaster" - to reward those who are duly assigned to the participants of liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl accident, the corresponding status is it provided for the direct participation in the liquidation of the accident and its aftermath in 1986-1990 in accordance with article 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster", and the disabled among them. The company " TS " produces and offers such badges, medals and orders to honor veterans of Chernobyl: Pectoral cross "30 years of memory Chernobyl" medal on the last "30-I memory of the anniversary of" Star, "for Service" cross "Liquidator" Star "for courage" (all awards are available in two forms: gold, nickel).
For all mankind became a notorious symbol of Chernobyl, but in the history of civilization is not the only large-scale man-made disaster. Japan's example gives little reason to doubt it. Peaceful Atom is not so peaceful. Man-made disasters have enormous consequences of pollution for the environment and for the ecology of the soul, since man is a part of the biosphere. Destroying nature - we are destroying ourselves.